Category: information


How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Besides the discomfort and inconvenience of dental procedures, the next thing people think of is, “How much does it cost?” For dental implants, that question can cause hesitation in having the procedure, even when implant dentures are an absolute medical necessity.

To help ease your concerns or to satisfy your curiosity if considering dental implants, read below and learn how much dental implants cost, and why.

The Average Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants can vary, depending on how many teeth are being implanted, among other factors. For a single-tooth dental implant, the cost is around $5, 000, but that is only for the implant and placement surgery; other contributing aspects can raise the cost significantly.

For full-mouth dental implants, the cost can be between $43, 000 and $56, 000, for the implants and surgery without any other factors included. Dental insurance providers may cover a portion of the cost, helping with out-of-pocket expenses, but some insurance companies may consider it a cosmetic treatment and forgo coverage. 

If considering or need dental implants, the first thing to do is look over your insurance plan or call your insurance provider to discuss implant treatment.

Factors That Impact Dental Implants Cost

As mentioned above, the base costs for dental implants don’t include other factors that increase the price tag. While some may appear as a necessity, others are personal choices that depend on your lifestyle and insurance coverage:

Types of Dental Implants

The two typical and most common types of dental implants are endosteal and subperiosteal, the difference being how they’re attached to the jawbone. Endosteal implants are shaped like a small screw and are inserted into the jawbone, holding one or more replacement teeth. These are typically preferred when a patient has dentures or bridges already. 

The other is the subperiosteal implant, which is placed on or above the jawbone with a metal post placed under the gum and holding the implant in place through it.

Implant Location

Where the dental implants are needed can affect the cost since the location affects how complex the procedure is. For example, implants in the front of the mouth are more visible, requiring more aesthetic considerations than those in the back.

Implant Material

There are two main options for dental implants to consider:

  • Titanium Dental Implants: These implants have a low failure rate due to their biocompatibility, meaning the body won’t recognize the material as a foreign invader. Titanium is also highly resistant to corrosion and has low thermal conductivity, meaning hot or cold foods won’t irritate the implant or area around it.
  • Zirconia Dental Implants: Like titanium, zirconia is biocompatible and metal-free for patients who have metal allergies or an autoimmune disorder. While it isn’t as strong as titanium, they are less susceptible to plaque buildup and blend well with natural tooth color.

Pre-Implant Treatments

Sometimes, additional procedures are necessary before or during the implant placement process to ensure a successful outcome. These procedures, such as bone grafting or gum disease treatment, can add to the overall cost of treatment.

Implant Insurance Coverage

Dental insurance coverage varies widely, and not all plans cover dental implants; as mentioned earlier, some even consider it purely cosmetic and won’t cover it. Those that do may only cover a portion of the cost, leaving the patient responsible for the rest of the costs. Always check with your insurance provider before scheduling dental implant treatment.

Benefits of Dental Implants: Is It Worth the Price?

This largely depends on what you and your dentist think about the total cost vs. dental benefits. When wondering, how much do dental implants cost, compare them to the inconveniences of traditional dentures or the price to your overall oral health not to have them. Some dentists will work with their patients with financing or paying overtime to help ease the burden, but it’s important to have that conversation openly with your dentist.

We at Bellevue aim to help all our patients improve their smiles and work with them to ensure that the price doesn’t bar them from the smile they deserve. If you’re searching for a dentist in Bellevue to help restore your smile with dental implants, look no further than the team at Bellevue Dentist.

Dr. Siamak Najafi is an accomplished dentist who has trained with the world’s leading dental pioneers. These days he teaches dentists from all over the world how to enhance the health and appearance of their patients’ smiles through state-of-the-art dentistry services.

Dr. Don Jayne is a nationally recognized leader in dentistry. He focuses on providing unparalleled expertise in cosmetic, general, implant, and sedation dentistry. He is dedicated to providing you with the most advanced techniques and effective technology available in dental care.

Bellevue Dentist | Dental Implants

The Art of Aura Healing: Understanding and Harnessing Energy for Holistic Well-being

Aura healing is an ancient practice that taps into the human energy field to promote physical,emotional,and spiritual well-being. The concept of an aura,an invisible energy field that surrounds living beings,has been embraced in various cultures and spiritual traditions for thousands of years. While the scientific community might not universally endorse aura healing,many individuals believe in its potential benefits as a complementary or alternative therapy. This article explores the essence of aura healing,its historical origins,and the techniques used to balance and restore the human energy field.

What is an Aura?

In metaphysical terms,the aura is a subtle,luminous energy field that encompasses the physical body and extends beyond it. Proponents of aura healing believe that every living being emits this energy,which reflects their physical,emotional,and spiritual states. It is often described as a colorful,ever-changing field of energy,with different colors corresponding to various aspects of a person’s well-being.

Historical Origins of Aura Healing

The concept of the aura can be traced back to ancient civilizations,including the Hindu tradition of India and the practices of ancient Chinese medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine,this energy is known as “Qi” or “Chi,” while the Indian system refers to it as “Prana.” Similar beliefs in the existence of this life force can be found in other cultures,such as Japan (Ki),Greece (Pneuma),and Polynesia (Mana).

The modern concept of aura healing gained momentum in the 20th century,with the rise of spiritual movements and the New Age movement. Practitioners of aura healing maintain that imbalances or blockages in the aura can lead to physical and emotional health issues. Therefore,the process of aura healing involves cleansing and restoring the energy field to promote overall well-being.

Understanding Aura Healing Techniques

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are specific energy centers in the body that correspond to different aspects of life and consciousness. Aura healers focus on balancing and harmonizing these chakras to improve energy flow throughout the body.

Energy Cleansing

This involves removing negative or stagnant energy from the aura and replacing it with positive energy. Techniques such as smudging,using crystals,or visualization are often employed in this process.


A popular form of energy healing,Reiki practitioners channel universal life force energy into the recipient’s aura to promote relaxation and healing.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Aura healing often involves practices like meditation and mindfulness to become more attuned to one’s own energy and the energy of the surrounding environment.

Sound Therapy

Certain sounds and frequencies are believed to have healing properties and can be used to balance and cleanse the aura.

Benefits and Limitations

Proponents of aura healing claim that it can lead to a wide range of benefits,including reduced stress,improved emotional well-being,enhanced clarity of thought,and better physical health. However,it is essential to acknowledge that scientific evidence supporting aura healing is limited,and some skeptics view it as a pseudoscience.

Aura healing is a holistic approach to well-being that delves into the intricate energy field surrounding living beings. Despite its roots in ancient traditions,the practice has gained popularity in modern times as people seek alternative and complementary healing methods. Whether viewed as a spiritual practice or a form of energy therapy,aura healing continues to intrigue and resonate with individuals looking to find harmony and balance within themselves and the world around them. As with any alternative therapy,it is essential to approach aura healing with an open mind while recognizing that its effectiveness may vary from person to person.

The Interplay of Emotions and Energy Healing

Emotions play a significant role in shaping our experiences and influencing our overall well-being. Often,unresolved emotional traumas and negative feelings can manifest as physical ailments or mental distress. Energy healing,an ancient practice rooted in various cultures,seeks to address imbalances in the body’s energy systems to promote healing and restoration. This article explores the fascinating connection between emotions and energy healing,highlighting how addressing emotional imbalances can positively impact one’s overall health and vitality.

Understanding Emotions

Emotions are complex physiological and psychological responses to various stimuli,encompassing a wide range of feelings such as joy,fear,sadness,anger,and love. They serve as a crucial part of the human experience,guiding us in decision-making,forming connections with others,and signaling our needs and desires. Emotions are not isolated occurrences; they can affect various aspects of our physical and mental health.

The Link Between Emotions and Energy

Energy healing approaches,such as Reiki,qigong energy healing,acupuncture,and pranic healing,operate on the premise that our bodies are composed of subtle energy fields that regulate our health and well-being. This energy is believed to flow through specific pathways called meridians or chakras. When these energy flows are blocked or disrupted due to emotional imbalances,it can lead to physical ailments or psychological issues.

Negative emotions like stress,anxiety,and grief can cause blockages in the energy flow,hindering the body’s natural ability to heal itself. For instance,prolonged stress can weaken the immune system,making one more susceptible to illnesses. Energy healers aim to identify and clear these blockages,allowing the energy to flow freely and restore harmony in the body.

Energy Healing and Emotion Release

Energy healing modalities often incorporate techniques for emotional release. The process involves identifying and acknowledging suppressed emotions and traumatic experiences,allowing them to surface and be released. This cathartic experience can provide profound relief,as it unburdens the body and mind from carrying the weight of unresolved emotions.

Practitioners may use various approaches,such as guided meditation,breathwork,or affirmations,to facilitate emotional release during energy healing sessions. By acknowledging and processing these emotions,individuals can experience a newfound sense of emotional freedom and inner peace.

The Role of the Practitioner

An energy healing practitioner plays a vital role in guiding individuals through their emotional healing journey. They create a safe and supportive space for clients to express their feelings and experiences openly. Empathy,compassion,and active listening are crucial qualities of a skilled energy healer.

Practitioners also work to balance the client’s energy centers,or chakras,which are believed to be interconnected with specific emotions. For example,the heart chakra is often associated with love and compassion,while the throat chakra is linked to communication and self-expression. By balancing these energy centers,energy healers aim to bring harmony to the emotional state.

Integrating Energy Healing with Other Therapies

Energy healing should not be viewed as a replacement for traditional medical or psychological treatments. Instead,it can complement and enhance other therapeutic approaches. By addressing emotional blockages and promoting relaxation,energy healing may facilitate the body’s natural healing processes,making conventional treatments more effective.

The relationship between emotions and energy healing underscores the importance of addressing the whole person for holistic well-being. By acknowledging and releasing suppressed emotions,individuals can experience profound healing on physical,emotional,and spiritual levels. Energy healing,in combination with conventional therapies,can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life,fostering greater harmony and vitality. As the understanding of energy healing continues to evolve,more research and exploration into this ancient practice can open doors to transformative healing possibilities.